Want to have your event at the Bayshore feel more like an Attack game?
You can have the Attack run the videoboard, music, cameras, or host in the stands.
Ask how you can create your game operations package.
Packages can include:
Videoboard only – $50.00/HR plus HST (Using Rogers or TV feed for videoboard content)
Add Camera Person – $40.00/HR plus HST
Add Music Operator – $40.00/HR plus HST
Add In-stands Host – $40.00/HR plus HST
Add Public Address Announcer – $40.00/HR plus HST
Videoboard only Package includes:
- Use of all four videoboard panels, with video fed from Rogers TV.
- We provide you with specifications for you to provide graphic/videoboard content to be run on screens, renter provides scripting for when content appears.
- If not running from Rogers feed, a camera position can be added at centre ice position. (Additional cost if Attack have to provide staff to run the camera).
For more information and to submit a request for Videoboard rental/Arena Presentation please submit the form below and an Attack representative will get back to you.
Requests should be submitted a minimum 2 weeks prior to event.