3rd Annual Sting Breakfast
The third annual Sting Breakfast for Season Ticket Holders was held on Superbowl Sunday (Feb 6th) with nearly 900 fans in attendance.
After having a large breakfast dished out by the players, who manned the serving areas, the fans listened to brief speeches by team owner Rob Ciccarelli, Business Manager Dean Collver and General Manager Alan Millar.
Rob’s address was brief and to the point, expressing gratitude to the fans who have stuck by this team and supported it through the toughest year in the history of the franchise. He acknowledged the work being done to position the team for the future.
Dean Collver spoke next and also acknowledged the support of fans and appreciation for the passion of Sting supporters. He indicated a future with fans as the number one priority and a dedication to listening to every voice representing Season Ticket Holder thoughts, ideas or feelings.
Alan Millar was last to speak and, while he too thanked the fans, he also went to great lengths to express his gratitude, pride and committment to the Sting players and coaching staff. Singling out the over-age players, Alan spoke of their contribution to the future of this club and the plan as it builds toward the next Sting era. Marco Caprara took special praise as a true leader and being, as Alan put it, “the Heart of the Team”.
The floor then opened for questions or comments from attendees. Fans spoke of their pride in the team and support for the new direction. They indicated appreciation for the post-game salute and thanked the players for putting in a great effort every game. One nervous young fan found it hard to put his thoughts into words so he was helped by one of his table-mates. Before the microphone was handed back however, the young fan found the courage to call out “Go Sting Go” for all to hear.
After the open forum, the team, management and staff remained for more than an hour, answering candid questions in person and expressing appreciation for the loyalty of the Sting Season Ticket Holder.
The organization is already looking forward to next year’s event.
For more event photos check out the Sting in Sarnia section of the website.