The Owen Sound Attack are requesting any parties who may be interested in billeting a player to review the following information.
The hockey club greatly values the billet families that host the Owen Sound Attack players when they are away from their homes during the hockey season. Without the help of billet families, the players would not be able to play for the team. Billet’s are invaluable to the Owen Sound Attack and we appreciate all of their hard work.
Billeting can be a very exciting and rewarding experience. As a billet family you play a very important role. By opening your home to the players you provide them with a stable and secure home away from home. There are many long lasting friendships that develop between players and billets.
Billet Guidelines
Provide 3 nutritious meals and snacks to the player. Meals should be wholesome and varied. Flexibility on behalf of billets and players is needed in this area. Players do not need to eat steak every day!!! Billets should talk with their player and determine his preferences in food and times to eat . Pregame meals are important, on average, players should eat 4-5 hours before a game, but this may vary. If no one is home and the player cannot prepare his own meal then plans to reheat a meal should be made.
Support, communications and understanding are vital. The key to success will be communication. Make sure you talk to your player about your expectations. Things that are not acceptable in your home may have been in theirs unless addressed; little things might develop into big problems. (i.e. shower use. Laundry, telephone, dishes, missing items).
The hockey team enforces curfew and rules on alcohol, banned substances; this is addressed to the entire team.
A players significant other is expected to leave at curfew and are not allowed in player’s bedrooms. Handle this subject pertaining to your house rules. Please notify the club if problems arise from this.
Billets are not obligated to provide a player with a computer or the lending of your vehicle.
Players are not permitted to leave the city without permission from the coach/general manager.
If you are going away for a vacation, please notify the team and accommodations will be provided for your player.
Arrange long distance phone calls with your player, as payment will be their responsibility.
The hockey club will provide transportation, but there may be some instances when you would have to drive your player to the arena etc.
Billets will receive remuneration in the amount of $115.00. per week and will be deposited into their accounts biweekly. Billets also receive 2 season tickets.
If you are interested in becoming a billet please fill out this application to begin the process, or contact the Attack Office directly by calling (519) 371-7452 x 24.