Become a billet for Winterhawks players!
Billets play an important role in our organization – they don’t just give the players a place to live, they provide them with a home away from home. Often, the bond between the players and their billets lasts long after the players leave Portland. Many Winterhawks alumni continue to return to Portland every year to visit their second families. We’d like to thank our billets for everything they do for our players.
The team is now accepting applications for the 2025-26 season, specifically families located in the Beaverton area/Sunset High School. Every home must allow for each player to have a private bedroom, while also providing a minimum of two properly nutritious meals for the player(s). Target area: Portland city limits and Beaverton. Each billet family is compensated per player.
Billets 2025-26
Fred Meyer would also like to thank the Winterhawks’ wonderful billet families! Keep an eye out at future Hawks home games for the Fred Meyer Billet of the Month!
Thank you to our Winterhawks Billet Families!
The Adams Family
The Carter Family
The Connell and Vanderzanden Family
The Determan Family
The Gibson Family
The Hayson Family
The Joushaghani-Stark Family
The Lacasse Family
The Merrill Family
The Munoz-Morera Family
The Rankin Family
The Rock-Bryans Family
The Romay Family
The Walsh Family
… and a special thank you to Jason, Danielle, Ethan, and Cohen Miskovic, as well as Michael, Judy, Kailey, and Trystan Swiger.
(not pictured above)