Ticket Ownership, Policy and Fan Safety
Tickets are non-refundable or exchangeable following purchase. Game time and team subject to change without notice. The ticket is void when declared, by the season ticket holder, lost or stolen.
The use of audio recorders, flash photography, video recording devices and laser pointers are prohibited. Professional photography requires the written permission of management. Management reserves the right to renew and/or cancel season tickets. They may also refuse admission or expel from the premises any person whose presence or conduct is deemed objectionable. The ticket holder grants permission to the CHL (and its teams, designees and agents) to utilize the ticket holder’s image, likeness, actions and statements whether individually or in a crowd, in any live or recorded audio, visual, or photographic display or other transmissions, exhibition, publication or reproduction made of, or at, the event (or activities carried on in connection therewith) in any medium or context without further authorization or compensation.
The ticket holder acknowledges all risks incidental to any game or event and hereby agrees to assume the same. Strobe lighting may be used during the event. Holder consents to a reasonable examinations of his/her person and effects to ensure compliance with all applicable laws, by-laws and facility regulations and rules. Mainstreet Credit Union Sarnia Sting Box Office 519 541 1717 x 1.
Please remember that the puck travels at high speeds and occasionally leaves the playing surface. Protective netting has been placed at both ends of the ice to increase safety but please give your full attention to the game at all times.