Regina Pats Player Billeting – Joining the Regiment

The success of a junior hockey player is dependent on many things including skill development, coaching, teammates, and their home life. For most of the players in the WHL, achieving their on-ice success means personal sacrifice. Often, players our required to move far away from home to pursue their dreams. Ensuring that players have a safe, nurturing environment to succeed on and off the ice, is of the utmost importance to the Regina Pats.
The influence a billet family can have on a young player creates bonds that last a lifetime. The Club greatly values the sacrifice billet families make to host Regina Pat players and without billet families, most of our players would not be able to play for us. Billet families are invaluable to the Pats, and we appreciate all their hard work and dedication to the team and the players.
Billeting can be a very exciting and rewarding experience as well. By opening your home to the players, you provide them with a stable and secure home away from home.
If you are interested in becoming a Regina Pats billet family, we request you review the following information and fill out our online questionnaire. All information provided will be held in confidence.
For any questions regarding billeting, please contact us at:
(306) 522-PATS (7287)
Key responsibilities include:
Making the player part of your home, providing a private bedroom and personal space for the player in your home, nutritious meals, working with team management to enforce team rules such as curfews, helping players learn skills that will enable them to become more responsible off the ice.
Billet families receive:
- 2 Silver Regina Pats Season Tickets (option to upgrade)
- Monthly Honourarium
- Pats Store Discount
- Exclusive & Corporate Partner Discounts
- Participate in he Club’s Annual Parent/Billet Weekend
- Billet Family Day
- Be part of the Club
Do we have to live in a particular area of Regina to billet a player?
No, the billet family simply needs to live within the City of Regina.
Will they need rides?
Our players are between the ages of 16-20. Alot of the players will have their own vehicle and if they do not, we will arrange for other players to provide rides.
Are there guidelines and communication supplied by the Pats to assist our family in the process of hosting a player?
You will receive a Billeting Handbook at the beginning of the season. We also hold a meeting with billet families, the Billet Co-ordinator, and our Hockey Operations department to go over the Billeting Handbook with all the pertinent information.
Our Billet Co-ordinator is available to you by phone or email throughout the season to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have, as well as act as a liaison to Hockey Operations.
Can we host more than one player?
Our Billet Co-ordinator will tour your home as part of the process of determining whether your family would be a good fit to host a Pats player. If you have space to host more than one player and would like to do that, please let us know and we will help you determine if that is an option.
Will players be left home alone if we leave on a vacation?
Players will be moved temporarily to other billet families’ homes while their host family is away. Our hope is that our billet families do not take lengthy vacations during the season, but of course we understand that you may be taking vacations and will accommodate your needs as best we can. The key to this is keeping our Billet Co-ordinator well informed of any vacation plans as early as possible so appropriate arrangements can be made.
We appreciate everyone’s interest to be a billet, however if the following core standards are not met, your application will not be moved to the next level of an on-site visit.
Your motivation for billeting must be to provide a safe and healthy home for your player. Applications will be turned down if there is any indication this is not the reason for your interest.
Billets must provide a private bedroom for each player they billet.
- “Private bedroom” is defined as an existing enclosed bedroom, which will give the player some needed privacy or the ability for quiet time away. Future or proposed bedrooms will not be considered.
- The player must be provided with clean bedding and mattress.
- The player must have a closet and storage space.
Suitable bathroom facilities must be made available.
- Bathroom facilities must be accessible and reasonably private.
Billets must make available wholesome and nutritious food for their player.
- Including sufficient quantities of staples such as milk, cereals, fruits, vegetables, and protein.
- The monthly billet honorarium is designed to provide grocery money for your player. You will need to work with your player to ensure his needs are met in quantity and variety of food, while being mindful of any dietary restrictions.
Billets are required to ensure home and team rules are followed in the homes. NO EXCEPTIONS.
- You must be able to communicate well with your player to ensure they understand your “house rules” and the team rules. Do not assume anything. What is unacceptable in your house may be acceptable in theirs.
You must provide a clean and stable home atmosphere for your hockey player.
- Billets are required to maintain a non-smoking air quality inside the home.
- Homes with teenage female residents are discouraged. These homes will be assessed on an individual basis and closely monitored by Hockey Ops.
Evaluation and review.
- Billet homes may be reviewed at any time during the season by Hockey Ops or the Billet Coordinator to ensure core standards are being met.
- Billet homes will be reviewed annually by Hockey Ops or the Billet Coordinator, which may include home visits.
- Families interested in billeting will be required to complete:
- A Criminal Record Check (paid for by the Regina Pats)
- Regina Pats Code of Conduct
- Regina Pats Confidentiality Agreement
- Billet Family Agreement
- WHL Respect in Sport Certification