RBC School Tour continues in 2015-16
Kitchener Rangers players Brian Brosnan and Frank Hora visited St. Paul Catholic School on Tuesday, October 6th and hosted a Captain’s Clinic for Grade 6 students.
They combined to instruct the students on ways to properly execute hockey drills; Brian how to do 2-on-1’s, and Frank how to effectively stickhandle around pylons.
After their lessons, the Rangers defencemen participated in three indoor hockey scrimmages with the students, while also sharing with them the importance of staying healthy by incorporating physical activity into everyday life.
Frank says the RBC School Tour is important for children of all ages in schools across the Region.
“[The program] helps local children all around K-W realize that it’s important to be active, but also to have fun while you do it.”
Frank, whose favourite subject in elementary school was Social Studies, says he knows the Rangers players have a unique chance to get through to the students when they make their visits on the RBC School Tour.
“We know a lot of children in the community look up to us, so we like to take this opportunity to tell the kids to always try their best with every subject in school.”
To learn more about the RBC School Tour, click here.