Our Visit To KW Hab
I was lucky enough to visit the Kitchener Rehabilitation Center with Ryan Murphy and Matt Puempel last week. Usually visits like that – to schools and fans across KW – consist of us bringing a certain presence or the ability to spice up the days of the people we’re visiting.
This time it was the other way around. Ryan, Matt and I never stopped smiling . We just couldn’t.
All the people had smiles from ear to ear. I realized part way through the event it wasn’t only due to us hockey players being there in our jerseys. It was the fact that these people live that way. Day after day , morning and night , they don’t let worries and stresses come in front of their feelings or their smiles
I’ve worked with people with special needs since grade 6 and I learned the most important thing from just being around them. Deal with something once, twice, three times – as many times as you can until you start to become less effective. Then forget it completely, as if it never happened, and try it again the next day or next week. Then you’ll be ready with a clear mind to give it 100%. The time away from the situation or task gives you a little extra drive and maybe the time to find some alternative tactics.
A funny situation that happened at the center:
One gentleman came up to us for our autographs and had a Bud sweater on and I said ” we have an autograph for ya but we don’t have any Bud Lights!”
He sat down with a grin on his face and said “don’t worry – I don’t drink!”
Everyone in the room started laughing. It was great.
The medical term is mentally disabled but really, when it comes to maintaining happiness, they are mentally able and we can learn a lot from them.
Thanks for reading !!!