Kamloops Blazers Holdings Ltd. purchased the Kamloops Junior Oilers’ WHL Franchise from the Edmonton Oilers in 1984. Kamloops Junior Oilers Ltd was registered as a company on January 21, 1982.
Kamloops Blazers Holding Ltd. operated under the same company articles as the Junior Oilers. This was accomplished by a Special resolution for the name change. The WHL registered the Kamloops Blazers Holdings Ltd. as the owner-entity of the franchise and the company operated the team until the transfer in 1987.
Kamloops Blazers Sports Society was incorporated as a non-profit society on September 22, 1987 under the statutes of the BC Society Act. The principle constitutional purpose of the Society was “to own, manage and operate the Kamloops Junior Hockey Club and to promote amateur and Junior Hockey in and around the City of Kamloops.”
The Society purchased the franchise from Kamloops Blazers Holdings Ltd. on December 22, 1987. The Constitution was amended in 1989 to add a dissolution clause in order to receive a $100,000 loan from the City of Kamloops.
At a requisition meeting on August 23, 2007, the membership voted to accept the amended offer of August 22, 2007 from River City Hockey, Inc. to purchase the assets of the Society. The Board of Governors of the Western Hockey League approved the transfer of the franchise on October 10, 2007 and the sale closed on October 25, 2007.
In October 2008, the Kamloops Blazers Sports Foundation Directors approved the donation of its assets to the Society.
The proceeds of the sale and the contribution by the Foundation constitute the Kamloops Blazers Sports Society Legacy Fund.
Historical List of KBSS Directors 1987 – 2010 | ||
Years | ||
Victor Bifano | 2006-07 | |
Andy Clovechok | 1988-2003 | |
Dennis Coates | 2003-2010 | |
Gary Cooper | 1987-88 2003-2007 | |
Christine Cross | 2007-10 | |
Norm Daley | 2003-05 2007-10 | |
Colin Day | 1987-2003 | |
Jack Farley | 1988-89 | |
Rick Harris | 1987-2003 | |
Loy Hoffbeck | 2000-03 | |
Ivan Jakic | 1988-89 | |
Ross Jardine | 2003-05 | |
Derek Johnston | 2006-10 | |
Don Larsen | 1987-91 | |
Ron Maguire | 2003-10 | |
Tom Mangan | 2003-06 | |
Brendan Martin | 2008-10 | |
Frank McCrae | 1988-2003 | |
Don Moores | 2006-08 | |
Murray Owen | 2005-10 | |
Gord Patterson | 2007-09 | |
Frank Rossi | 2007-10 | |
Arne Saastad | 1988-89 | |
Norio Sakaki | 2000-03 | |
Ted Smigielski | 1988-2003 | |
Bob Smillie | 1987-88 2003-07 | |
Case van Diemen | 2000-06 | |
Walter Wende | 1988-89 | |
Rob Zimmer | 2006-08 |
September 25/84 | September 25, 1984 | September 25, 1984 |
523 Group | Grass, Mike | Qualitiere, Wayne |
Adams, Paul | Harris, Gordon | Radio NL |
Alexandre, Ted | Harrold, Craig | Rae, Jack |
Anger, Bill | Hartley, Gerry | Reisbrecht, Abe |
Artnor Holdings | Headhunters | Ritchie, Lorraine |
Baron, Roy | Hoffbeck, Loy | Robertson, Grant |
Beatty, Stu | Hollstedt, Jack | Rossi, Frank |
Becker, Bob | Hoover, Don | Roy, Harvey and Jackie |
Begg, Ed | Hunt, Noel | Russell, Mike |
Bepple, Oscar | IJ Manufacturing | Saastad, Arene |
Big Brothers | Jardine, Kevin | Sakaki, Norio |
Blackwell, Dave | Johnston, Derek | Sanders, Nathan |
Booster Club | K. Rest & Food Ser | Sankey, Bill |
Booth, James | Kam. HC Society | Sauve, Gerald |
Bourque, Paul and Glenda | Kerr, Dave | Scherer & Turnbull |
Bruno, Mike | Kershaw, R & W | Scholefield, KG |
C. West Coach | KMHA | Schreiner, Roger |
Cates Carroll Watts | Ladies Aux KMHA | Shandro, Gerald |
Central Sten Ad | Lagrandeur, Dean | Singh, Gur |
Christiansen, Ray | Lambert, Francois | Smigelski, Ted |
Clovechok, Andy | Larsen, Don | Smillie, Bob |
Conan, Waverly | Leong, Joe | Smith, Vern |
Cooper, Gary | Lizzi, Enzo | Stephens, Jim |
Cooper, Ron | Lotus Enterprises | Strutz, Richard |
Coupal, Larry | MacGillvary, Bill | Stuart, Jim |
Crawford, B | Madiuk, Randy | Stuart, Sandra |
Crawford, JM | Mah, Vic | Sturgeon, Craig |
CUPE Local 900 | Martin, V & B | Tetreau, George |
Day, Bert | Mattis, G & M | Tordoff, Keith |
Day, Colin | May, M. J. | Van Dieman, Case |
Day, M. J. | McConnel, Robert | van Hoff, Peter |
Dever, Eldon | McInnes, Ray | van Horlick, John |
Deys, Bernie | McRae, Frank | W. Industrial Rel. |
Don-Bar Holdings | Middlemass, Ian | Wallace, Tom |
Dreyer, Harold | Miller, Alan J | Weiss, Irvin |
E. Funk Electric | Moffett, Ken | Wende, Walter |
Espig, Peter | Monkman, George | Westphal, G & J |
Ezzard, Ken | Morice, Earl | Willis, Robert |
Farley, Jack | Necmart Enterprises | Winters, Bob |
Ferguson, Frances | Nelson, John | Yellow Quip Rentals |
Ferner, Edwin | Nicholson, Babs | |
Fisher T&B | Nielsen, Mort | |
Floritto Egg Sales | Nishimura, Harry | 1985 |
Fuoco, Ray | Obana, J. | Banman, A |
Fuoco, Reg | Olsen, Gordon | Juusola, Jack |
Garden Court Inv. | Owen, Maurice and Isabelle | Westwin Realty |
Gatehouse, George | Owen, Murray | Youwe, Clifford |
Gilliland, Fred | Prefontaine, Doug | |