PREVIEW: Chiefs host second annual Neurodiversity Awareness Night Sunday vs Vancouver
Spokane, Wash. — The Spokane Chiefs will host their second annual Neurodiversity Awareness Night Sunday as they take on the Vancouver Giants for the third time this season. This game provides a unique opportunity to reach neurodiverse fans and offer an enjoyable, inclusive experience that they would not otherwise have at a typical Chiefs game. This game will involve different features that include PA, music, lighting, ticketing, concourse, Integra Rooms, sensory kits and more.
The Integra Rooms located outside section 110 will serve as a quiet room and there will be sensory kits available there to be checked in and out (limited quantity available). This room will remain available for the entire game to anyone who needs it.
The Chiefs are proud to partner with several local organizations to help support the neurodiverse community, including Isaac Foundation, Northwest Autism Center, The ARC of Spokane and more.
The gameday experience for this game will be different from the average Chiefs game that you are accustomed to:
- Music will be quieter
- No fan noise makers will be handed out for this game
- Public address will be limited
- There will be no fire alarm/fog horn type sounds except for the goal song
- The arena lights in the bowl will stay on for the entire show, with no dimming or black out
- The Gonzaga Exceptional Bulldogs will be the first intermission attraction as a Mite Skate
- Sensory kits will be provided by the Isaac Foundation. These will include fidget devices, headphones, weighted blankets, communication cards and more.
LOCATION: Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena
TIME: 5:05 p.m.
PROMO: Neurodiversity Awareness Night presented by The Isaac Foundation
GET TICKETS: Click here to purchase tickets.
LISTEN: 103.5 FM The Game (pre-game show starts at 4:30 p.m.) — Listen online here.
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