The Brantford Bulldogs are pround to announce the Westland Insurance Community Players of the Month for January… Bulldogs goaltender David Egorov & defenseman Owen Protz.
The pair of Ottawa area first year Bulldogs spent the month of January embracing the community in Brantford and specifically leading a pair of school visits where they talked about the importance of balancing their school work with their athletic endeavours and the importance of team work and believing in yourself to achieve your goals.
At Branlyn Community School, Egorov & Protz hosted a chat with students grades 4-6 in the library where they spent the majority of afternoon with the primary classes, answered many of their questions and met each student as the session came to a close. The students listened attentively and were happy to engage in a meet & greet with the pair of Bulldogs.
Protz & Egorov closed out the month heading to Prince Charles Elementary School to help the Bulldogs Foundation & Brant Food for Thought in support of the Grand Erie District School Board in hosting a morning breakfast for the students.
Helping with the Bulldogs Foundation & Brant Food for Thought Nutrition Program, David & Owen made a point to visit with the students enjoying the nutritious breakfast and continue to spread their positive message of following your dreams while discussing the importance of hard work in the classroom.
The Brantford Bulldogs are extremely proud of both David & Owen in their first seasons in the OHL making a point to get out in the community and work to make a difference and we are proud to name David Egorov & Owen Protz Westland Insurance Community Players of the Month.