Double Minor with Owen Williams
Defenseman Owen Williams joined Ian Henry, and his daughters Fiona and Grace, for the second episode of a new video feature we are calling Double Minor.
Double Minor will feature Fiona and Grace interviewing T-Birds players via an online video platform. As we all do our part during the COVID-19 pandemic to help flatten the curve by staying indoors, we thought this new feature would be a fun and engaging way for fans to connect with the team while at home.
After we get a few episodes under our belt we are going to ask fans on Twitter to suggest fun questions for Fiona and Grace to ask the players. We will send out tweets with the hashtag #DoubleMinor and the name of the player that will be interviewed and ask fans to use that hashtag to see all the fun questions our fans will come up with for the interview.
We hope Double Minor is a fun feature for fans as we navigate the current COVID-19 situation. We know we will all get through this and come out stronger at the end. Stay safe and be well T-Birds fans.
For more information on COVID-19, please visit any of the following public health authority websites:
Washington State Coronavirus Response (COVID-19) –
Washington State Stay at Home Guidelines –
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention –