Meet The Thunderbirds Family: Jared Crooks
Team photographer Brian Liesse is introducing T-Birds fans to those connected to the team whose contributions might not be readily visible. We are excited about this project because we get to highlight those that make T-Bird hockey possible through their hard work and dedication to the team and the sport of hockey. We look forward to introducing you to T-Birds staff, accesso ShoWare Center staff, Booster Club members, Game Night Staff, Media, and others who help us celebrate and promote the team and the sport in the Pacific Northwest. Each person highlighted has answered a questionnaire about what they do with the team or how they are connected to the team,and some personal highlights. Brian took the photos of each person in their T-Bird environment.
What do you do for/with the Thunderbirds? Video Coach. Also, involved with many of the day-to-day logistics and operations of the team.
How long have you been working for/with the Thunderbirds? Just finished my second season.
What is your favorite aspect of what it is you do for/with the Thunderbirds? Player analysis and statistics.
What is the most challenging aspect of what you do for/with the Thunderbirds? Managing 23 players with their living, school, travel, etc. can be a big challenge.
What is your favorite Thunderbirds memory? Brendan Williamson’s first career goal was a very special moment. A game winning goal against a bitter rival and in front of the visiting players and parents involved in the U.S. Challenge Cup. Gives me goosebumps just thinking about it.
Do you have any pre-game rituals or superstitions? I like to walk around the arena concourse before warm-ups begin. On the road, it’s Jorge (equipment manager) and myself, while at home we have a larger entourage.
Are you excited for an NHL team to come to Seattle? Yes, I think it will be great for hockey in the area. However, they will be in the same division as my favorite team the Calgary Flames, so I don’t think I will be a huge fan of the team.
What do you enjoy doing when not working for/with the Thunderbirds? I love to play golf. Unfortunately, I don’t get on the course very much. I keep very busy with the Thunderbirds, but I really enjoy the work so no complaints!
What position do you/would you play if you were to play hockey? I played center.
Who are the Thunderbirds biggest rivals? Obviously, Portland and Everett.
Where can we find you on social media? Probably nowhere. I have a twitter account, but I mostly just use it for sports news and insights.