Notice of 39th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Lethbridge, AB – The Lethbridge Hurricanes Hockey Club will hold the 39th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on Monday, September 16th at 7:00pm in the Canadian Western Bank Lounge at the Arena.
The meeting will commence at 7:00pm with doors open at 6:00pm for registration. Shareholders can enter through the NW doors.
A meeting of the Shareholders of the Lethbridge Hurricanes Hockey Club shall be held for the purpose of:
- Receiving the Annual Report, Financial Statements and Report of the Auditors for the past fiscal year
- Electing Directors
- Appointing Auditors and authorizing the Director to fix their remuneration
- Considering and, if thought fit, approving and ratifying all acts and proceedings of the Board of Directors, of the Company since the last Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, as set forth or described in the Minute Books or in the Financial Statements of the Company
- Transacting such other business as may properly be brought before the meeting
By the order of the Board of Directors.