Seniors Night returns to SaskTel Centre this weekend
The Saskatoon Blades are celebrating the wiser generation Sunday, Feb. 2 for Seniors Night presented by Save-on-Foods.
It’s an Eastern Conference Final rematch as the Blue and Gold welcome the defending WHL Champions, the Moose Jaw Warriors.
Those aged 55 years and older received a discounted price of just $22! To take advantage of our special seniors deal, click HERE
Play along with our in-game bingo throughout the night for a chance to walk home with some awesome prizes! Plus, don’t go anywhere for the intermission because we’ve got the 75+ Saskatoon Senior Hockey League in action, showing you’re never too old to enjoy some puck with friends!
Stick around after the game for a post-game skate with the Blades! Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the ticket table at the top of Section E (100 person max.).
Lez Lazaruk Bobblehead Night is Friday, Jan. 31 against the Wenatchee Wild! Be one of the first 1000 people in the arena to secure the long-time voice of the Blades’ bobblehead! For tickets to the contest you only get to see at SaskTel Centre every two years, click HERE