Q & A with Jonathan Huberdeau
BOUCHERVILLE, Thursday, September 2, 2010 – Jonathan Huberdeau, originally from Saint-Jérôme, on the North Shore of Montreal, was definitely a key element for the Saint.John Sea Dogs last year, even if he was a QMJHL rookie. After desperately fighting for the President Cup last spring, he participated a few days ago at the NHL research, development and orientation camp. We got in touch with him so we could ask a few questions.
<i>How was the NHL development camp? What did you do out there?</i>
"The event went passably well. It was a beautiful experience, because I was playing with most of the top-ranked players for the next NHL draft. We were lucky enough to try the new rules that might be in place in a few years in the NHL. As if I wasn’t already lucky enough, the official event ambassador was Brendan Shanahan and the coaches were Ken Hitchcock and Dave King. I also got the chance to prove myself in front of every NHL teams’ managers, as well as the coaches."
<i>Is the fact that your name comes out as one of the most important prospects for the 2011 NHL Entry Draft bring any additional pressure to perform this year?</i>
"Sure, I think about the NHL draft, but I don’t want to put anymore pressure on myself than I need to. The media will surely ask questions, but I don’t want to think about that for the moment. I only want to concentrate on the season and help my team have the most success as possible this year."
<i>Can you describe how the League helps you grow as a player and as a person?</i>
"The League gives me the opportunity to play hockey with the best players from Eastern Canada and the U.S. between the ages of 16 and 20, as well as to pursue my education, which is really important for me. I can perform in the sport that I like the most and receive a really good education. Since I’m in Saint John, I live with a family that only speaks English, which taught me to speak the language. This year, I can actually go to an English school."
<i>How do you keep a healthy balance between friends, hockey, family and school in everyday life?</i>
"It’s true that sometimes, it is very hard to keep a good balance between everything, but you need to make sacrifices. My family is very important to me; it is totally because of their support that I’m here today. I believe that I keep a good balance between everything that is important to me."
<i>How was your experience at the President Cup last year? What did you gain from it?</i>
"I gained only positive things from that experience. The veterans, last year, taught me lot of things and during President Cup final, I became more and more confident. If we get to the President Cup final again this year, it will be my turn to give advice to the rookies on the team."
<i>Last year, you were a rookie. This year, you begin the season with the idea that you already know what a QMJHL season will be like. What do you expect?</i>
"I definitely have less stress than last year, because I know what will come up. I gained a little bit of experience last year. I worked hard this summer though, and I’m looking forward to begin this new season."
<i>What will you do differently than last year?</i>
"Last year went pretty well for me, so I don’t plan on changing much of anything. I will surely continue to step up my game every night and make sure I improve from a game to game."
<i>To conclude is there something you want people to know about yourself?</i>
"Maybe. I don’t really like to talk about it, but I love to sing! My sister is a really good singer; she does contests and she sings the national anthem at some hockey games. As for myself, I’m just content with singing in the shower!"