Coaches’ week: Éric Roy
For the next few days, we will be highlighting the work of our coaches.
Today, let’s highlight the work of Éric Roy. Éric has been the goaltending coach since 2018. He is also responsible for video editing. Our former goalkeeper, Thomas Sigouin, describes him as a dedicated, positive, always in a good mood… and bilingual coach !
Have a good week, Eric! #ThanksCoach
Le Phoenix l'emporte par la marque de 4-2 ce soir face aux Cataractes à Shawinigan. Les vétérans se lèvent! 2 buts et 2 passes pour Hugo Primeau, 3 points pour Lewis Gendron.
Prochain match, demain à 19h au Palais des sports pour le match Combattons le cancer au profit de la Fondation du CHUS. ... See MoreSee Less
12 CommentsComment on Facebook
Mais les Cats avaient garanti la victoire🥺
Enfin 1 victoire sur la route 😃😃
Bravo! Les gars 👏👏
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